Esparraguera Town Council
Audit and Communication Plan
Barcelona City Council
Internal communication for Barcelona’s municipal police force and fire department
Granollers City Council
Strategy for the dissemination of the 2030 Agenda
Sant Bartomeu del Grau's Town Hall
Informative campaign about a municipal urbanistic project
Reports for the local metropolitan press
Autoritat Catalana de Protecció de Dades
Content creation and support for the communication strategy
Campaign on safe internet use
Consell Comarcal d'Osona
Strategic Communication Management
Barcelona Education Consortium
Press office
Zona Franca Consortium
Content for digital channels
Vic Hospital Consortium
Comprehensive communication service
Diputació de Barcelona
2030 Agenda dissemination campaign
Government of Catalonia
Sustainability campaign
Comprehensive communication service
TIC Salut Social
Content creation for different communication channels
University of Barcelona
Promotion of education programmes
Polytechnic University of Catalonia
Release of technological projects on the market
Who already know us
Op-Team SL, with over 20 years of experience, has developed more than 300 communication projects for almost one hundred organisations and institutions.
We specialise in the institutional, professional and industrial markets, but what sets us apart is how we offer proposals adapted to the needs of each client. Among others, we have worked for:
Cementos Portland Valderrivas
Publishing and press office
Ciments Molins
Sustainability communications strategy
Fundació Privada per a l’Ordenació del Sector de la Construcció a Catalunya
RECONS campaign
ISERN Medical Telecom
Content for different channels
JG Ingenieros
50th Anniversary Campaign
Drawing up of technical content
Laboratorio Girona
Creation of promotional materials
Press office
Internal communication
Comprehensive communication service
Spanish Logistics Centre
Management of the Communications Department
Ciment Català
Content for different channels and press office
College of Environmentalists of Catalonia
Comprehensive communication service
College of Telecommunication Engineers
Edition of the corporate magazine
Confedreació Catalana de la Construcció
Audit and comunication plan
CEMA Foundation
Event organisation and press office
Aggregates Association of Catalonia
Edition of corporate reports and bulletins
Gremi de Constructors d'Obres de Barcelona i Província
Communication campaign for new members
Consumer Arbitration Board
Campaign to raise awareness of services
Drawing up the Annual Report
Web project content
Content for a campaign against food waste
Sagrada Familia Clinic
Signage projects
Osona Assistance Foundation (FADO)
Promotion of services to the market
Santa Creu de Vic Hospital Foundation
Comprehensive communication service
Auxiliary Health Services (SAS)
Comprehensive communication service
Triodos Bank
Content for digital channels